Crabbie’s Original Alcoholic Ginger Beer vs Hollows & Fentimans All Natural Alcoholic Ginger Beer, 4%

I do like ginger beer – alcoholic or not – it’s that gingery flavour & frisson of spice which pleases my palate.

Today’s comparison is a pair of big hitters in the ginger beer world widely available in supermarkets.

Crabbie’s were one of the first alcoholic ginger beers I encountered & hail from Edinburgh.

Hollows & Fentimans push their botanically brewed & all natural ingredients credentials & hail from Hexham.

How do they compare?


There’s a marked difference in appearance. From the almost Irn Bru orange glow of Crabbie’s to the hazy sour beer look of Hollows & Fentimans.


Crabbie’s has a clear & fresh gingery spice on the top while Hollows & Fentimans offers a softer more root ginger aroma rather than spice.


Initially I found the carbonation of Crabbie’s on par with many a popular soft drink – which kind of detracted a bit from the gingery spice flavours underneath. Meanwhile Hollows & Fentimans contrasted with a softer more gentle approach which allowed the rich ginger to shine clearer although less spicy.


The ginger on Crabbie’s lasted into the finish giving a slightly drying experience on the rear. Hollows & Fentimans offered a warmer almost rounder ginger appeal on the rear which was juicier.


I always had Crabbie’s down as the standard bearer for ginger beer. Now I’m not so sure! The carbonation was a bit overpowering & the flavours felt a little forced. Hollows & Fentimans offered an alternative approach allowing the ginger to speak for itself. It may have lacked a little spice yet that rich ginger appeal shone through.

I found Hollows & Fentimans a more pleasant drinking experience.


Crabbie’s Ginger Beer website here.

Hollows & Fentimans Facebook page here.

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