Pubs In Athlone, Connaught St, Pt 6

Making my way West from the Cultural Quarter I begin to encounter some characterful bars. For a few time has moved on – for others it appears to have stayed still. I enjoyed my encounters in these establishments!

30 The Fiddlers, O’Connell St

Used to be known as Bannon’s or occasionally the Festival Bar when the Drama Festival is on in the nearby Dean Crowe Theatre. The Fiddlers still provides the bar for the Dean Crowe. The Fiddlers is now a sports bar with a pool room. The whiskey selection was fairly limited but a stand out bottle of Amrut Single Malt from India made my glass. Very tasty it was too!

Maguire, Connaught St

There was an older version of Maguire’s on this site which was dimly lit & featured a black & white telly. A modern refit changed all that years ago & it did a range of craft beers with a decent spirits selection too. Sadly it didn’t take-off & despite a change of management eventually closed before Covid hit. Miss the times spent in here.

31 Beaumont’s, Connaught St

Like stepping down into a 1970’s boudoir with dim red lighting & upholstered benches Beaumont’s appeared lost in time. The characters inside were mostly men of a similar age to myself with a few bevvies onboard – as I had by this stage. Conversation quickly developed over a White Bush – there wasn’t much of a selection – & it turned out one of the gentlemen frequented the same bars in London as me back in the 80’s! Talk about a small world. These new fifteen-minute-friends provided great craic for my time in this establishment.

32 Connaught Lounge, Connaught St

I took me a few times to actually find this bar open – it doesn’t appear to open before half eight & there’s scant information on the web. It’s also cash only – which is in-keeping with the old school decor inside. It’s a characterful bar with colourful folks frequenting the establishment. Went for a Paddy’s myself. An old style whiskey suited this spot perfectly. Worth visiting.

Samz Tavern, Connaught St

One sad aspect of Connaught St is the number of empty properties. Samz Tavern has lost it’s roof in places with trees appearing to grow within it’s walls. I never visited this bar when it was open & clearly never will – unless it gets redeveloped.

33 Walsh’s, Connaught St

Walsh’s is quite an inviting pub inside with a decent selection of spirits – including some old looking bottles – on the shelves. I went for a Diplomatico Reserva Rum on the day. It’s one I rarely encounter. The rum gave a good account of itself. Warm, aged, woody, a touch of spice & sweet molasses. An enjoyable little tipple in a welcoming bar.

34 McNeill’s, Connaught St

McNeill’s is one of those old style businesses that plys the licenced trade as well as offering a funeral service too. I hadn’t been in for ages & remember a roaring fire. It’s still there – although not on during the summer. A well set & welcoming bar. As I was driving on the evening I visited a Guinness 0 did the honours. The spirits selection was the usual big brands. A local bar.

35 Shamrock Lodge Hotel, Millbank

I’ve been to my fair share of births, funerals, Xmas parties, weddings & blood donor sessions in this hotel. Seems to have been given a little facelift since I was last in. The bar mainly stocks the big brands but did spot a local Tullamore DEW 12. An easy & accessible sherried blend with a bit of depth. Felt a bit quiet on the Bank Holiday Monday afternoon of my visit compared to the large functions I usually came here for.


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