Tag Archives: De Vina Malt

A Myriad Of Malts! Hyper Malt, 3 Horses, De Vina & Ulti Malt, 0%

My interest was piqued by the 3 Horses Dark Malt.

I had to go back to the Asian Shop to explore more of these non-alcoholic alternatives.

There was a whole shelf in the fridge dedicated to this style of beverage – so I grabbed a few for comparison.

De Vina Malt states it’s a Premium Non-Alcoholic Malt Drink & comes in a 500ml can. The usual ingredients are listed on the back. No mention of who brewed De Vina but Specialist Foods of London is on the can.

De Vina pours like a dark porter – with a decent head too! A rich bready nose. The palate is noticeably sweet – yet the malt still comes through. Too heavy on the Glucose/Fructose Syrup for my liking!

Hyper Malt is produced for Harboes Brygerri in Denmark & appears to have 7 languages catered for on the can! Comes in a 330ml can like all the others.

Hyper Malt pours like a dark ale. There’s rich dark malt on the nose too. Quite sweet on the palate – there’s added sugar & colouring with this one. Too sweet for my tastes – even if the malt is entertaining!

3 Horses Classic made my basket this time. First Classic Malt Since 1628 it states. Oddly this one is brewed in Germany by Hofbrauhaus Walter for 3 Horses.

3 Horses Classic pours like a rather dark lager. A lovely fresh bready malt greets the nose. Very easy on the palate – not too far off a lager drinking experience either – yet that maltiness comes through on the rear. A very pleasant little drinker for a non-alcoholic alternative.

The bright red can of Ulti Malt Classic was last up. No mention of brewery but produced for Kato Enterprises Ltd with addresses for the UK, EU & South Africa.

Ulti Malt pours like a porter with a decent head. As I’m finding out the colour is added – along with sugar for the sweetness – which is a bit too much for my tastes – even if the rich maltiness still shines through.


Without a doubt 3 Horses Classic wins out for me on this taste comparison. The apparent lack of added colouring or sugar results in a far cleaner & fresher malt appeal. 3 Horses Classic could almost be mistaken for a lager & I’d quite happily have a few of these around the house for use as a non-alcoholic alternative.
